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  • Louisiana Dui information

    Louisiana Dui information

    DUI Law 08/23/2015

    Louisiana First Offender You are DWI/DUI in Louisiana if you drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .10% or greater. First Offense Penalties Jail 10 days to 6 months. If you had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15% or higher, at least 48...

  • Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland

    Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland

    DUI Law 08/23/2014

    DUI or DWI? In Maryland DUI, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, BAC .08 or higher, 2 months/$500. DWI, Driving while Impaired by Alcohol, BAC .07, Year/$1000. Maryland State law mandates the automatic suspension of your driving license for 45 da...

  • Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland

    Dui laws and information for the state of Maryland

    DUI Law 08/23/2014

    DUI or DWI? In Maryland DUI, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, BAC .08 or higher, 2 months/$500. DWI, Driving while Impaired by Alcohol, BAC .07, Year/$1000. Maryland State law mandates the automatic suspension of your driving license for 45 da...

  • Maine is very strict on DUI laws

    Maine is very strict on DUI laws

    DUI Law 08/23/2014

    You are OUI in Maine if your blood alcohol content is .08% or higher. Following your arrest, based on the police report and blood alcohol content (BAC) test results, the Secretary of State will immediately suspend your license. Maine is very tough on...

  • Kentucky DUI laws and Information

    Kentucky DUI laws and Information

    DUI Law 08/23/2014

    You Are DUI When: When your blood alcohol content (BAC) is.08 or higher, you are DUI in Kentucky. The test must be given within 2 hours of operation of motor vehicle for results to be admitted into evidence in DUI prosecutions. Operators can be convi...

  • Iowa DUI laws and information for offenders

    Iowa DUI laws and information for offenders

    DUI Law 08/23/2014

    Iowa First Offender You are OWI (Operating While Intoxicated ) in Iowa if your blood alcohol content BAC) is 08% or higher. First Offense Penalties OWI is a serious misdemeanor punishable by: Jail: Up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000, or both...

  • DUI offenders in Indiana

    DUI offenders in Indiana

    DUI Law 08/23/2013

    Indiana First Offender You are OWI in Indiana if you had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or greater. The limit is 04% for commercial drivers license (CDL) holders and .02% for those under 21. The first offense is a misdemeanor. Legal limit is ....

  • Massachusetts DUI Laws

    Massachusetts DUI Laws

    DUI Law 08/23/2012

    Drunk driving―or operating under the influence (OUI)―is a serious crime in Massachusetts. You will not only face penalties from the courts but you will also face penalties by the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Between the two, you could face license sus...

  • Kansas DUI Information and Laws

    Kansas DUI Information and Laws

    DUI Law 08/23/2012

    Kansas First Offender You are DUI in Kansas if your blood alcohol level (BAC) is above .08%. Dui First Offense Penalties: Jail 48 consecutive hours up to a maximum six (6) months imprisonment, or 100 hours of community service. Fine/Fees $500.00 to $...

  • Idaho DUI laws and information

    Idaho DUI laws and information

    DUI Law 08/23/2012

    Idaho First Offender You are DUI if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is over .08%. Any individual who has a .08 or higher BAC result on the breathalyzer may receive a notice of suspension and have his or her driver's license seized on the spot by the...

  • DUI laws and information for Georgia

    DUI laws and information for Georgia

    DUI Law 08/23/2012

    There are two types of DUI in Georgia: "less safe driver," based on your appearance, demeanor, and driving at arrest, and "per se" dui, based on your blood alcohol level (BAC). Two types: 1. DUI by being "Less Safe" (impaired) driver by alcohol (or d...

  • First Offender DUI Information in Colorado

    First Offender DUI Information in Colorado

    DUI Law 08/23/2012

    Colorado BAC LimitsSimply put, blood alcohol concentration is how much alcohol is pulsing through your blood after you drink. The legal limit BAC for drivers over 21 years old is 0.08%, while the limit for drivers under 21 years old is 0.02%. DWAI ha...

Business News

Eugene, OR Criminal Defense DUII Attorney MJM Law Office was founded to provide clients with representation in Criminal Defense. >> read