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  • Court: No unemployment for teacher who quit early

    Court: No unemployment for teacher who quit early

    Employment Law 09/09/2014

    Washington's Supreme Court says a Spanish teacher who tried to do his school district a favor by quitting early -- instead of in the middle of the school year -- was not entitled to unemployment pay. Robert Campbell taught in University Place for six...

  • Iowa top court: Firing of attractive aide is legal

    Iowa top court: Firing of attractive aide is legal

    Employment Law 09/09/2013

    The Iowa Supreme Court on Friday stood by its ruling that a dentist acted legally when he fired an assistant because he found her too attractive and worried he would try to start an affair. Coming to the same conclusion as it did in December, the all...

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Eugene, OR Criminal Defense DUII Attorney MJM Law Office was founded to provide clients with representation in Criminal Defense. >> read